Shoot, it seems like a couple months ago that SIFF just ended, but here we are at the beginning of a new, month-long orgy of movie-ness that is The Seattle International Film Festival! Now, normally I don't go to Opening Night, mainly because no one hands me a free ticket (you have to admit, $50 is pretty steep). But this year was different for a couple reasons:

1) Buzz: SIFF has been advertising the heck out of this year's opener,
Battle in Seattle (6/8), which has been building a huge buzz, mainly out of curiosity, but also because of Seattle's penchant for being a town of unabashed movie-star whores (bonafide superstar celebrities don't show up here often, so we get star-struck, all stammering and blushing). When it was announced that a bunch of the stars would be in attendance, especially glamourous Oscar-winner Charlize Theron, tickets to Opening Night were snapped up in a frenzy (while still maintaining our Seattle nonchalant cool).

2) George W. Bush: GW wants us to use our "economic stimulus plan" money to go shopping. You know, go out and buy cheaply made products from China and Indonesia from retailers that underpay their employees, and thusly revive our sagging economy. Well, I've decided instead to use some of what I call my "GD-GW" money to support local arts. The lucky recipient this week? SIFF!
So, slacker I am, I decided on the day-of to give Opening Night a whirl. Fate would decide whether I made it into the sold-out event. I got up at the ass-crack of dawn so that I could leave work early. Luckily, when I got to McCaw Hall at 5pm, there were only 4 people waiting for tix! I knew my chances were good. By 6:20pm, I had a ticket in my hand.

Let's just say, because of the obvious local interest in
Battle in Seattle, the air was electric. As per usual Seattle events, there were folks all gussied up in their finest mixed with folks in hoodies, jeans and flip-flops. However, unique to this year's Opening Night were folks handing flyers like "RESIST The World Trade Organization" ( and unfurling banners that were used in the actual WTO protests in 1999. I'll bet it wasn't like this in Toronto!
After folks got shuffled into the huge, packed hall, and were subjected to the expected "thank our sponsors" bits, the celebs came out on stage. Director Stuart Townsend was joined by Michelle Rodriguez, Martin Henderson, Andre Benjamin (who, surprisingly, got the most enthusiastic applause), and, of course, The Charlize. A nice moment was when Townsend explained that at previous fest screenings, like in Toronto, one or two people in the audience would raise their hand and say, "I was there!" So he asked us: who was there at the WTO in Seattle? At least 2/3rds of the audience rose their hand (and the rest were probably still in the lobby drinking $12 glasses of wine). Townsend's response? "Oh, shit."

As for the movie itself? I'm sure everyone in the audience came prepared for the worst, donning their pointiest Skepticism Hats. Saddled with the dorky name
Battle in Seattle and facing what will probably be their most critical audience, the filmmakers and cast were unsurprisingly nervous. But I have to say after a clunky start, the film actually got better. Some original footage is interweaved in the story (at the beginning, this is done quite poorly... a swelling crowd of thousands suddenly looks like a couple hundred, depending on if the actors are in the shot), and thankfully real Seattle sites are used in crucial scenes (we can spot Vancouver a mile away, and much of this film was shot there). It was strange to see The Paramount Theater so prominently used, as I walk by that building every day on the way to work. But I was impressed that they bothered, for the most part, using real, recognizable landmarks, which I know the Seattle audience appreciated.
The movie has a collage of characters, including Woody Harrelson as a Seattle cop, Charlize Theron as his pregnant wife who gets caught in the downtown melee, Ray Liotta as the mayor (who shows a bit more spine than our real mayor at the time, Paul "I am not a wuss" Schell), and Martin Henderson, Michelle Rodriguez and Andre Benjamin as protestors. The characters aren't particularly well-developed or even individually very interesting, and the dialogue is admittedly corny at times (Connie Nielsen has a thankless eyeball-rolling role as a reporter who suddenly gets a conscience), but as the film moves along and the situation gets worse, the overall tension of the big-picture situation believably builds. There are several scenes of police brutality that will make you wince, both physical attacks and images of peaceful protestors getting sprayed in the face by chemicals while sitting cross-legged in the street. Yikes.
Did the film deserve its standing ovation from the audience? No. But the movie is not bad, and won't need to be disowned by the city. At one point (I'm paraphrasing from memory here), Andre Benjamin's peaceful "save the turtles" protestor says, "A week ago, no one had even heard of the WTO! Now... well... they still don't know what it means, but they've heard of it!"

After the film, the cast and director came out for Q&A, and politely answered even the most expectedly inane questions from the audience ("How did your role in
Battle in Seattle differ from other movies you've been in?"). Henderson won points for his passion and "fight the power" gusto, Benjamin was the most honest and charming, and Theron (who was losing her voice) has perhaps taken the most impressive action with her charity
Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project. And, well, Michelle Rodriguez drives a Prius. Guess you have to start somewhere.
As for my overall Opening Night experience? I had a blast. Was it worth $50? Of GD-GW's money... a resounding yes! Of my own money? No, probably not. I walked away with a couple program guides and the curious freebie of a jar of Fennel Salt from a sponsoring restaurant (other people looked excited, so I'm excited!). The post-party involved all 3,000 people pouring out into the courtyard area to fight over free cupcakes and put out even more money for more drinks (didn't drinks used to be included with the ticket?). I shoved one of the tiny cupcakes into my mouth, and fled. After all, the REAL fest starts on Friday....
I had the pleasure of attending a previous festival and at this particular one, Rodriguez was definitely the second most passionate one on the subjects next to Townsend himself. She had a lot of surprisingly powerful and intelligent (and sometimes hilarious) things to say whereas Theron recycled the same old "sleeping with the director" joke she's using at every festival and didn't contribute much else. Henderson tended to speak quietly and incoherently with nothing of value to say ever. I guess it just goes to show any person can be different on any given day.
TIFF gives nothing for free. *sigh*
I can't tell from your photo, but did Michelle Rodriguez still have her ankle-bracelet monitor on? Classy! And be thankful you were spared her lengthy "what I would do to change the world" monologue, which she rattled off in Toronto.
Rodriguez hasn't worn the ankle monitor in almost 2 years. Catch up. Hey, I suppose it speaks volumes that you make fun of someone for having ideas for achieving positive changes in this troubled world, meanwhile you freak out about cupcakes. Now tell me who has the bigger better brain? I'd say Rodriguez by a landslide, stupid mistakes of the past aside of course.
I could listen to Townsend, Rodriguez and Benjamin all day. They're brilliant minds. Can't wait to see more from them!!
~~ I.B.T.
Rodriguez's "I drive a Prius!" statement ended up being the running joke of their SIFF dialogue, and to her credit, she made up for her jokey attitude a little later in the conversation by trumpeting alternative news media outlets. I was impressed that the cast still seemed fired up by their movie, and I believe that excitement rubbed off on the audience. If the film inspired even a couple people in the audience to think twice about their lives as consumers, well, I think it did its job!
Agreed! I too find it inspiring the level of enthusiasm they all have about this project at these festivals. They filmed this thing in Winter of 2006 for goodness sakes yet they speak of it as if it were yesterday and do it with such passion. I think if people just keep an open mind this film could make as lasting an impression on the minds of moviegoers as it did on the actors and producers themselves. I remember Rodriguez saying this was a film she could show her mother, one she's ACTUALLY proud of (only to be matched by Girlfight and her other new movie Avatar). I think that says a lot that an actor can have a dozen roles over the course of a nearly ten year career and say this film is one of their proudest moments, and one of the only roles they're actually proud of.
Also, I smell a possible Oscar nod for Theron to be honest (if not the film as a whole). That scene was...words can't express, as I'm sure you know.
I can't wait to see this again when it releases, and get everybody I know who has any shred of caring about the world around them to do the same.
I think Theron's role was a bit small for an Oscar nod (though, to be fair, we've seen smaller roles get nominated), and it would definitely have to be Supporting.
But I know the scene you are talking about... the audience audibly gasped in shock. Actually, I was a bit surprised how little there was of Charlize in the film. But I appreciated the character being included, because she represented the vast majority of the folks I know that were at the WTO... people that were just at work downtown and got caught in the literal crossfire between the police and the protesters. I know several people that got gassed just trying to leave work and go home.
Agreed again. Yeah it would have to be supporting since the leads are actually Henderson and Rodriguez. Speaking of Henderson, he really surprised me with his depth, and I felt Rodriguez was phenomenal give what I thought was little to work with in regards to her character.
Best actors in this film were by far Theron, Rodriguez, Henderson, and Benjamin. Everyone else was solid but it were these who truly shined, IMO.
I just saw "Battle in Seattle" and it is great! It's a powerful film that really inspires you to be an active citizen and learn more about the WTO. Townsend does an amazing job as director and all of the members of the ensemble cast give incredible performances! Everyone needs to see this movie when it releases in September!!!
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