The film received a lengthy standing ovation, and whether or not it deserved it, I turned to Dan and whispered, "We're in the middle of one of those film festival standing ovations that gets mentioned on the movie's Wikipedia page!" You know, like Fahrenheit 9/11 (20 minutes) or Pan's Labyrinth (22 minutes). Ultimately, this one probably didn't clear 10 minutes, but it was still exciting. And it was awfully touching to see Townsend and the gang receiving such enthusiastic props for a true labor of love.
As Townsend, Theron, Rodriguez, Henderson, Benjamin, and Harrelson reappeared onstage for the Q&A, I remembered to keep an eye out for Rodriguez's alcohol-detection bracelet, but it was nowhere to be found. I also tried to keep an eye on Charlize, as she looked so ready to go home that I was afraid she would disappear if I blinked. She was definitely supportive of her
Dan and I passed the remainder of the afternoon with some delightful conversation (and beer and appetizers) with Vickie's friend Heather. As the nachos disappeared (as reliable a method of keeping time as any), I realized it was almost 7 PM and dashed out of the pub to buy a TIFF '07 t-shirt before the box office closed. Because everything in this city is ridiculously convenient, the box office was not only nearby, it was across the street and visible out the window from our table.
Eventually, Dan and I located the theater on time, and observed the industry peeps enjoying their Saturday night -- not seeing movies, but schmoozing each other in dense clusters along the sidewalks and in bars and restaurants. It was like watching a nature documentary. It was also a lot like being home in LA. Again, I was filled with secret yearning to be one of them, something that never happens in LA. I just want the summer camp version of their film industry lives, which really just means I want to hang out in Canadian bars for a living.

Afterwards, we sat on the large rock (if there's an actual name for this well-known rock, I don't know it) and people-watched, remembering that this is probably the last big night of the fest as far as celebrity sightings are concerned, as Vickie informed me that they front-load the festival to allow industry folk to return to LA on Sunday. So far, I have had horrible luck spotting celebrities on the street, though the Battle in Seattle crew wasn't too shabby!
Eric has left out the fact that he and Dan are making friends all over the city. And shamelessly flirting with women, which is unsettling.
I will now only think of her as The 'Lize! ;)
The question for Battle in Seattle is: Did they show our least favorite local news reporter (Jim Foreman) throwing one of the store-owners on Broadway against the wall in a chokehold and called her a "f**king hippie bitch" for not letting him park his news van in the store's parking lot as people were being gassed down the street? I have to admit I'm way curious about this film.
Sure there were gentle people in turtle costumes unfairly targeted by riot police, but what about the poor folks who got in the line of fire trying to get to and from work or home? Or, on the other side, the morons who threw garbage cans through Starbucks' windows or ripped the Niketown letters off the storefronts just because they could (as opposed to doing it to make a political statement)?
OMG, I love that Linda randomly chose a photo from Battle... that's from the scene we specifically mocked!
Boy A is my top pick of the festival by far. It sounds like you had a lovely day!
FYI folks call that rock: The Rock :)
I'm assuming that photo was from the supermodel-protest scene of the movie? ;-)
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