Saturday, July 07, 2007

If I was a Simpson...

Now I've seen some brilliant web promotions for movies. From Corpse Bride's website, you could send a custom Message From the Land of the Dead to your friends (this involved your pal receiving a link to a site that would show a skeletal hand awkwardly and verrrry sloooowly writing a message on a dusty mirror). The blink-and-you-missed-it ventriloquist-dummy horror film Dead Silence had a similiar schtick which allowed you to send a Dumm-E-Mail featuring the vocal stylings of creepy-ass dummy stars Cornelius, Billy, and Ursula. Both of these sites created hours of fun and endless giggles for my friends.

And now, with the impending release of The Simpsons Movie, those crafty folks on the World Wide Internets have created the ultimate Web toy that allows us all to experiment with a dream that I'm sure all of us have thought about at one time or another: "What would *I* look like if I were on The Simpsons?" With the Create Your Simpsons Avatar tool, you can choose your hair, your nose, your toothiness (or lack thereof). Choose your pale yellow to brown skin tone. Choose the design on your t-shirt. Voila! Here is your Springfield doppleganger!

This avatar creator, I believe, is actually an amazing social experiment to inflict upon all your friends. Sure, after some playing around with your own image, you start to get an idea of what your friends may look like in this yellow world. However, start an email chain and require all of your cohorts to respond by attaching their self-made 'toon. This simple task turns out to be an extremely revealing insight into your friends' self-image. Some creations are right-on, others are strangely baffling. What were they thinking?

For a taste of the fun to be had, here are some of your favorite Moviepie contributors (at least how they see themselves!)...


Vickie said...

Okay, I have been trying to figure out how to save my avatar and send it to you (or send you the link or SOMETHING), but I can't seem to find a way!!!


Linda said...

Hit the save icon on the screen, which will require you to register. However, I've heard that this only works have the time for people. You can also hit the Print Screen button on your keyboard and just paste it into Paint! :)

Vickie said...

Yeeeeee-ah, 'cept I'm on a Mac and don't have Paint.

I have registered, but clearly I'm in the half of the population for whom any kind of saving process doesn't work.

Anonymous said...

Apparently, Command+Shift+3 saves the entire screen as a PDF on the desktop, while Command+Shift+4 will let you drag a rectangle around the area you want to capture.

Aren't you glad you have a Mac with intuitive features like Command+Shift+3 and not a PC with those cryptic commands like "Print Screen"? :)

Vickie said...

Hardy har HAR.

(But thanks for the tip!)

Vickie said...


Thanks for gluing me in.

You know, I'm impressed at how much our avatars actually LOOK like us!

Jennifer said...

So Linda, I'm dying to know if my avatar fell into the "right-on" or "strangely baffling" category.

Do tell!

Anonymous said...

The interface on that site is confusing, too me a while to figure out how to save myself too.

I'm sure I'm easy to figure out which one I am! I'm standing next to Tim. Hehe!

Linda said...

Jennifer, your likeness is somewhere between the two. I'd say that your avatar is right on for what I'd like to call Bon Jovi Era Jennifer (of course, that could be right now, couldn't it?). ;-)

Jennifer said...

Ooh, I love it! I did have trouble with the hair. I couldn't find bangs without going all 80's. And...that sounds about right.

Vickie said...


I'd like the old Vickie avatar replaced with the *new* Vickie avatar, please. ;-)

(The pants and shoes are wrong! They're just wrong!)

Linda said...

Gosh! Wait for it...


You now have bulbous shoes like the rest of us. :)

Vickie said...

I like to think of them as my Keens. :-)

Thanks for the fix!